Custom Artificial Eyes:
In certain cases where normal eye is bulging forward, or have pain in the eyes with out Vision, these patient may under go for evisceration or enucleation with or with out use of orbital implant. The surgical procedure to remove the entire natural eye is referred to as an enucleation where as the surgical procedure to remove the contents of of a natural eye is referred to as evisceration.Both procedures will need prosthetic restoration with the fitting of an artificial eye. This process can usually begin approximately six weeks following the initial surgery.
Fitting the artificial eye begins with a board certified ocularist taking an impression mold of the surgically repaired eye socket or residual eye. This procedure ensures each patient attains the maximum amount of comfort and movement possible.
Our team of board certified ocularists have developed advanced art and sculpting techniques to recreate artificial eyes with life-like and natural appearance. These techniques are focus on carefully matching eyelid contours, eyelid folds, and other features involved in achieving facial symmetry. We make every effort to maximize the amount of movement and to recreate an exact color match to your natural eye.
At International Prosthetic Eye Center, we utilize a combination of digital photography and hand painted technques to replicate the color and details of your eye. Only natural earth pigments are used in the painting of our artificial eyes. These pigments provide exquisite detail, depth of color, and vibrancy for the life of your artificial eye.
Our team approach is one of the strongest arm among our board certified ocularists and your referring physician ensures that you will receive the highest quality of care, each and every time.
You may visit the results for the work.