Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been invited for Hyderabad Ophthalmology Association "Oasis" for his talk on Ophthalmic case and Debates on 12 June 2016, Hyderabad, India
Ms Deepa Raizada, have been invited for Hyderabad Ophthalmology Association "Oasis" for her talk on maxillofacial Technology and updates on 12 June 2016, Hyderabad, India
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been Elected as Director of IAA Board and he will be on position for 2 years. at 30th Annual Meeting of International Anaplastology Association at Hilton, in Dallas Texas, USA from 1-4 June 2016
Ms Deepa Raizada, Give her presentaion on on Custom ocular prosthesis fitting following evisceration: staphyloma vs. non-staphyloma cases 30th Annual Meeting of International Anaplastology Association at Hilton, in Dallas Texas, USA from 1-4 June 2016
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Give Lecture on Lower Lid Laxity (LLL) in Older age Patients at 30th Annual Meeting of International Anaplastology Association at Hilton, in Dallas Texas, USA from 1-4 June 2016
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Give Lecture on Ocular Prosthesis after Enucleation in Retinoblastoma Patients in INAPOSS Bandung Scientific Meeting 2016, Held on 20-21 May 2016, Bandung, Indonesia.
Ms Deepa Raizada Give Workshop on Pediatric & Congenital Ocular Prosthesis in INAPOSS Bandung Scientific Meeting 2016, Held on 20-21 May 2016, Bandung, Indonesia
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Give Workshop on Pediatric & Congenital Ocular Prosthesis in INAPOSS Bandung Scientific Meeting 2016, Held on 20-21 May 2016, Bandung, Indonesia
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Give Lecture on Review of Current Technology in Ocular Prosthesis at Centro Escolar University, Manila, Phillipines, 3 May 2016
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Give Workshop on Updates in Ophthalmic Prosthetics in Annual Meetings go Optometry Association of Phillipines (OAP) Conrad, Manila, Philippine, 2 May 2016
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Give Minimax Lecture at American Society Of Ocularists (ASO) on "Locking of Unlocked Eye Prosthesis" The Mirage, Las Vegas, USA on 17 Nov 2015
Dr Kuldeep Raizada had been Invited to give a lecture on "Lower Lid Laxity in Geriatric Patients" for Joint session at ofAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and American Society of Ocularists at Sand Expo, Las Vegas, USA 15 Nov 2015
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, received Dr. Abdul Kalam Memorial Award at Hyderabad as chosen by Dignitary medical professionals In Hyderabad on 15 Oct 2015
Dr Kuldeep Raizada have been awarded as Fellow of American Academy of Optometry (AAO),at Annual Meeting go American Academy of Optometry 2015, In Special Category in Ophthalmic Prosthetics, New Orleans, 2015
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, present Poster Presentation on Tear Deficiency in Artificial Eye User at American Academy of Optometry, from 7-10 Oct 2015 New Orleans, USA
Dr Kuldeep Raizada have been awarded as Membership for American Academy of Optometry (AAO), USA
International Prosthetic Eye Center Complete 5 Years of Services, and upgrades to National Center for Ocular & Maxillofacial Prosthetics, India
Deepa Raizada have been confirmed by the council of The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetist & Technologist at the The Royal Collage of Surgeons of England on 4th Dec 2014, as registered associate member of The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetist & Technologist (AIMPT).
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Gives a Minimax lecture at American Society of Ocularists on Gadgets in Ophthalmic Prosthetics, from 17-21st Oct 2014, Chicago, USA
Dr Kuldeep Raizada have been awarded as BADO (Board Approved Diplomate Ocularist) for completing all requirement as Board certified ocularist as well as Diplomate from American Society of Ocularist at 56th Annual meeting of American Society of Ocularists meeting, Chicago, USA.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, published scientific Papers on Comparison ocular motility in Enucleation vs Evisceration in Journal of Ophthalmic Prosthetics, Published in Sep 2014 in annual Issue.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been invited by Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive surgery & Silver Jubilee meeting of Oculoplasty Association of India at A to Z Oculoplastic feast on the occasion of 25thcelebration in New Delhi for their annual meeting from 26-28th Sep 2014.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Speak in Annual Meeting of OPAI & ASOPRS 2014 on Technology to Trends in Ophthalmic Prosthesis at New Delhi, 26-28th Sep 2014, India
Deepa Raizada speaks on What’s new in Ophthalmic Prosthesis at Eye Bank Association of India Meetings on 26-28th Sep 2014 at Hyderabad.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada have organized Ist Meeting of Indian Society of Ocularists meeting at Hyatt regency New Delhi, attended by 14 Members.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada also Speaks on Various Talks during the meeting of Indian Society of Ocularists, at Hyatt Regency, New Delhi.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, gives a live workshop at 28th International Anaplastology Association Meeting in Denver,Colorado, USA attended by over 55 International delegates.
International Prosthetic Eye Center open a new brach in New Delhi from 7th April 2014
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Have received the NEBO certification which make him the 1st Indian to have American Board Certified Ocularist (B.C.O.) from India in-fact from Middle East to to Asia Pacific, He is the only one who have BCO,which make him uniques, awards will be given to him in Oct 2014, Chicago USA at American Society of Ocularist meeting.
International Prosthetic Eye Center celebrates 4th Year of Clinical Services in india on 14 Jan 2014
International Prosthetic Eye Make its First Digital Eye In India 22 Sep 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Have been invited as National Faculty at AOCMFmeetings, held in Hyderabad, Marriot 16-18 Aug 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Invited to given a talk on "Microphthalmos and Anophthalmos & Its Current management" AOCMF meetings, held in Hyderabad, Marriot 16-18 Aug 2013
Deepa Raizada, have been invited as national Faculty at AOCMFmeetings, held in Hyderabad, Marriot 16-18 Aug 2013
Deepa Raizada, Invited to given a talk on ocular & Maxillofacial Prosthetics at AOCMF meetings, held in Hyderabad, Marriot 16-18 Aug 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, present Free paper as poster presentations on New Technique of Canthal Expansion in Microphthalmia in AAPOS –SNEC meeting, in Singapore, 14-16th July 2013
Deepa Raizada present poster on "Color Stability and Mechanic Properties of Silicon in Different Ethinic Shades" in 27th American Anaplastology Association Meeting at Nashville,TN, USA
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, present Free paper in American Anaplastology Association, on New Technique of Canthal Expansion in Microphthalmia May 2013, Nashiville, TN, USA
Dr Kuldeep Raizada gives instruction course on Understanding all about phoropter and trial lens set West Java Region Indonesia Ophthalmologist Association Scientific Meeting, 12 April – 14 April 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada gives instruction course on Ocular prosthesis; Rehabilitation of One-Eyed patient West Java Region Indonesia Ophthalmologist Association Scientific Meeting, 12 April – 14 April 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada gives instruction course on Learning of Streak retinoscopy: Current concept and techniques West Java Region Indonesia Ophthalmologist Association Scientific Meeting, 12 April – 14 April 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada gives lecture on Gadget in pediatric ophthalmology West Java Region Indonesia Ophthalmologist Association Scientific Meeting, 12 April – 14 April 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada gives instruction course on Advances in ocular and maxillofacial prosthesis West Java Region Indonesia Ophthalmologist Association Scientific Meeting, 12 April – 14 April 2013
Pune Ophthalmological Society Invites Dr Kuldeep to Talk on Ocular Prosthesis: Role in Ophthalmology March 2013
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, present poster in Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology on New Technique of Canthal Expansion in Microphthalmia Jan 2013
International Prosthetic Eye Center, happy to announce our 3 years of completion of clinical services in the field of Ophthalmic Prosthesis & Maxillofacial Prosthesis.
Deepa Raizada, have been invited as speaker at Nagar School, Ahmedabad for speaking on Ocular & maxilofacial prosthesis 16 dec 2012
Deepa Raizada, attends 5-9th Dec 2012 the Annual Meeting of 40th Indian Prosthodontic Conference held in chennai, in conjunction with 8th Biennial meeting of Asian Academy of prosthodontic,
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, Have completed all requirements by American Society of Ocularist, which is hard work of 14000 working hours as well extensive study for prosthetics, Hence Awarded the Diplomate Ocularist, 2012, Chicago, USA
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been invited as guest Faculty at Oculoplasty Association of India meet at Amritsar Oct 2012, he also deliver talk onNew Horizons in Ocular & Facial Prosthesis.
Deepa Raizada, joins back after finishing her MSc in Maxillofacial & Craniofacial Technology, from Kings Collage, London.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been invited for Symposium at Andhra Pradesh Ophthalmic Society Annual Meeting at Guntur.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been invited by West Java Ophthalmic Society as guest speaker in Bandung, Indonesia
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been invited by Hyderabad Central University as guest speaker on the eve of World sight day.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, provides the ocular prosthesis for 13 days baby.
Dr Kuldeep Raizada, have been recognized with the Marquis Who’s Who and have been listed in America book Who’s Who for the consistent 3rd year from 2010, 2011, 2012